History of Post 930
This is our history Page. It's a great opportunity for us to help visitors understand the context and background of our post history.
P. Jos. Connolly
Post Commander: 1941
Notes in New York Fire Department Post 930 National Convention American Legion booklet in 1941.
LT. Frank A. Symons
Post Commander: 1948-1949
FDNY: 01/01/1939 - 03/04/1959
Fireman E235 (1948), LT E294 (1957)
Died: August, 1992
LT. William G. Beitz (Retired)
Post Commander:
​FDNY: 09/28/1949-12/8/1975
Fireman E238(1949), LT BN37(1959), Retired (1975)
Died: July 10, 2000.
Notes in Medal Day books in 1979 thru 1980, suggest Past Commander.
DAC. Gunther Arthur Otto
Post Commander: 1969-1970, (1985-1990?)
FDNY: 05/29/1943-11/04/1985.
​Fireman H&L84(1943), LT H&L30(1951), CAPT H&L23(1953), BC BN17(1964), DC DIV10(1976), DAC BxBC(1981), Retired (1985)
Died: May 3, 2000.
Andy Clarke
Post Commander: